City of Baldwyn

Our City Officials

Let us serve you and achieve making Baldwyn prosper.

Roslynn Clark

Roslynn Clark


Angeleque Agnew-Beene

Angeleque Agnew-Beene

Alderwoman Ward 1

Ricky Massengill

Ricky Massengill

Alderman Ward 4

Teresa Green

Teresa Green

Director of Main Street Chamber

Mark Bullard

Mark Bullard

Animal Control

Mariea Burress

Mariea Burress

City Clerk

Tonya Goodin Billips

Tonya Goodin Billips

Alderwoman Ward 2

Roy Ragin

Roy Ragin

Police Chief

Sam Parker

Sam Parker

Fire Chief

Greg Beard

Greg Beard

City Attorney

Lynda B. Conlee

Lynda B. Conlee

Alderwoman At Large

Phil Rowan

Phil Rowan

Alderman Ward 3

Meka Matthews

Meka Matthews

Court Clerk

Shane Davis

Shane Davis

Code Enforcement

Voter Registration

Voter Information:

Voters for both Lee and Prentiss County and the City of Baldwyn can register to vote at Baldwyn’s City Hall at the City Clerk’s office. County residents may also register to vote at the Circuit Clerk’s office in their county. Voters must be eighteen years of age.

City Clerk:

Mariea Burress - Baldwyn City Hall

Lee County Circuit Clerk:

Prentiss County Circuit Clerk: